Sunday, January 16, 2022

Changes to my Study Programme

First of all, I would change the general system of careers in Chile, since all careers have subjects that serve only to fill and lengthen the time of study at the university, careers that last three years in other countries, here last five or six years. I am already in my third year of university, and I have found myself with more stuffed subjects than I would like, that is why I would eliminate subjects that do not contribute much to the career, but slow it down and take away the sense. On the other hand, these subjects are not always filler, but have fundamental parts, only that studying a whole semester what can be studied in a few weeks I find it inefficient.

These two years of pandemic have been catastrophic in many terms, one of them is in the university, where the study has been slowed down, reaching the incomprehension of many important subjects, this was due to the lack of practical work within the career, since the practical work is where you really learn and understand what you will do in the future, practical work that should have been nine sessions ended up being only three, where you do not learn everything you should.

For these years of pandemic I cannot say if a significant change has to be made, since I have not been to the university in a face-to-face way, this is why, as I enter the university again, I expect a good implementation of technology (especially pharmaceuticals), good use of infrastructure and good teaching methods.

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Time Travel to the Future

I have always been interested in the future and how the world will be, sometimes I think about how life will be in a thousand years, since life changes very fast in every sense, technology, medicine, lifestyle, fashion, culture and many other things change, these things have changed so much in a period of a thousand years that thinking about a change as big as that will be repeated makes me very curious. If I had the possibility to travel to the future, I would travel to the years 3000, I would love to see the change of millennium, since I was born just in the years 2000, where a change of millennium was evident, according to all the older people I have asked, this change was special and unrepeatable, so I would like to live that experience to reflect on the change of the world throughout the third millennium.

If I had the opportunity to return from this trip, I would, as I could never adapt to this "new world". What I would do is to stay as long as I can hold out there, as I would like to know everything that has been discovered in all the time that has passed. Every time I try to imagine how this new world would be I fail, because I can’t think of any concrete image, but I imagine many possible things that could happen, and when I mix these ideas I get very confused, I can imagine a clean world, where peace and prosperity reigns and at the same time a world in ruin, where the human being has reached the collapse of planet earth.

I don't know if this new world will be as I have imagined it, but this is what motivates me the most to travel there and check it out.

Monday, December 27, 2021

My future job

I study chemistry and pharmacy, this career has a very broad field of work, you can work in pharmacy, hospital, clinic, industry, among many other things, there is also the area of research, where you study and create new drugs for the health of people. My ideal job in the future is in the area of drug production or in the hospital area, since I feel that is where I can demonstrate my knowledge in a better way, although these areas are my ideal job, I do not rule out the idea of working in another sector, since I want to work in all possible areas to know what I am capable of, besides knowing the work of a pharmaceutical chemist in all areas in which I can perform.

I imagine these jobs to be very different from others, since as I said before this career is very versatile. In the production area I imagine it will be a very hectic job, where the day will go by very fast, besides this, I imagine it will be a challenging job, since working in an industry, it will always seek to be the best, so I will be motivated to be the best.

I imagine working in the hospital area to be very passionate, as my biggest reason for choosing this area is to help people.

I don't know if these jobs give access to travel, but if so, I will be very happy😁😁😁.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Childhood Series

My favorite childhood series is definitely "The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy" I spent a lot of time watching this series when I was little. 

My favorite character is Grim (Puro Hueso), as he represents death, being a skeleton with a scythe and a tunic, in first impression he looks pretty tough, but when you watch the series you realize that he is very fragile. Also this series made me laugh a lot, it's a very comedic series overall. The relationship between characters is very funny, being two kids having crazy adventures with death, in addition to all the secondary characters that bring each an important point to the genius of the series. 

My favorite chapter is undoubtedly when Lord Valdomero appears (a clear reference to the Harry Potter saga, which I also like very much). It was very funny when things broke down as Lord Valdomero's name was spoken out loud, mixed with Billy's idiocy made it all very comical😹. 

I recommend watching this series 100%, as it has a very good story and is entertaining to watch, it is also suitable for any age (although now that I think about it, there were some very dark parts😶).

Friday, November 12, 2021

Post 3: My pets

I love this topic, as I am an animal lover, I currently have 7 pets, 4 cats, 2 dogs and a bird.

My pet of all my life is called Violeta, she is the oldest, she has been present since my childhood (I love all my pets equally, but she is my weakness). She has a companion named Pascuala, who is 6 years younger, Pascuala is very scared of fireworks 😟. Both were rescued from the street at the age of 6 months.


I also have 4 cats named Lana, Kira, Jazmín and Cativina. Lana and Kira are sisters, their mother is my girlfriend's cat, so I adopted them. Jazmín and Cativina come from a foundation focused on the rescue of stray animals. They get along well with each other, but there is a rivalry between Lana and Cativina, nobody knows why 😹. Lana is always with me, I don't know why she chose me, but I'm the only one she purrs to.

Cativina (She loves to be like this😹)



Finally there is my bird, her name is Celeste, I got her at a craft fair, then I gave her to my mother as a gift because she has loved birds since she was a little girl. She used to have a companion, but he escaped when we were changing his food (he was very hyperactive). Jazmín has a special desire to hunt Celeste, she always demands that we take her out to the yard to try to hunt her 😹😼.

These are my pets and I hope more animals come into my life, they fill you with love and joy😊.

Friday, October 29, 2021

Post 2: The best concert ever

My best concert, or rather festival, was lollapalooza 2016. In that year I was only 15 years old and I was earning a little money at the traffic lights of Santiago doing juggling and acrobatics. With the effort of spending a lot of time in the streets under the sun I was able to buy my first ticket to lollapalooza, at that moment I was very happy. I remember the best concerts were by Eminem, Jack U and Twenty One Pilots, each brought a really euphoric atmosphere. Eminem just made me think "wow I'm listening to a legend".

That year I went with my group of friends, which enhanced the experience 100%. Lollapalooza 2016 had two days of concerts, which was bringing the body to the most critical point, the only thing that kept me going on the last day at the last concert was the desire to keep the party going jjjjjj. 

After that, we had to travel from "Parque O'Higgins" to "Plaza de Maipú", the funny thing is that there were special buses for people of the festival, we got on those buses and the atmosphere was again a party, where we met a lot of people in that trip. After returning home, I felt like I slept for a week (XD).

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Post 1: A country I would like to visit

To begin with I would like to travel to as many countries as I can, but if I have to choose the first one it would be Japan, because it is a very beautiful country, with a very high culture. I would like to travel there because it is a very different country from what I know (although I have never left Chile, I think that Europe and America are not very different in general from what I know, that is why I want to know an Asian country).

I don't know much about the country, I have only seen some videos on YouTube of what life is like there, but knowing little is what attracts me the most, since I want to know and explore new experiences.

What I would most like to do when I am there is to try all kinds of food, in addition to visiting the most characteristic places in the country.

In the future I would like to live in a place with a culture similar to mine, for this reason I would not like to live in Japan, I only see it as a beautiful tourist place.

Changes to my Study Programme

First of all, I would change the general system of careers in Chile, since all careers have subjects that serve only to fill and lengthen th...